Laura Sayegh

MScA, Research Associate III, Real-World Evidence

Laura’s responsibilities include developing scientific deliverables and dissemination activities, including abstract and manuscript preparation. Prior to joining Evidera, a business of PPD, Laura’s focus was in the early stage interventional studies, where she worked as a senior clinical research scientist and medical writer. She has extensive experience in clinical pharmacology and using the Phoenix WinNonlin software for pharmacokinetic analysis as well as developing high-quality medical and scientific documents, such as clinical trial protocols and clinical study reports, for generic and first-in-human drugs submissions. She has also supported the design of early stage clinical trials. This experience spans numerous indications including dermatology, cardiology, oncology, infectious diseases, substance abuse, as well as metabolism and endocrine. Laura’s educational background includes a BSc in microbiology and immunology from McGill University and an MScA from McGill University in biotechnology.